Saturday, August 22, 2009

A Perfect World

Please check out my new blog, A Perfect World, I will continue to add to this one, which is more poetry. But "A Perfect World" is just a bit different.

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Mirrors are delicate,
easily broken,
but somehow strong enough to tell us the truth about ourselves,
without holding back.
You blame them for what you look like,
for telling you the truth in a mean way,
for leaving no space for white lies.
Mirrors' comments are easily dismissed,
by the people who don't care,
but also by those with a guilty conscience.
And sometimes,
you know that a mirror would throw so many words at a person,
that you're not sure how they ignore them,
but hope that they don't.
In the end,
mirrors cause greif,
but hopefully they cause change.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Clumsy Like a Wave

The waves are clumsy,
they tumble over themselves,
crashing down with foam.

Struggling for a grip,
coming close to the sea shore,
but always ebbing back.

Somehow, I see that,
this is much like a big crush,
you are the clumsy wave...

...when you are in love.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Good vs. Bad

You know there is war, hate, pain, death, murder, drama, fear, and pride.
But some people don't know about love, friendship, family, or happiness.
Stop fearing, and start living.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


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Summer Nights-A Backwards Haiku

Listen to the water curl,
when the sky is bright,
with the stars' light and moon's light.

Feel the waves aginst your feet,
see the heat lighting,
as it strikes patterns on clouds.

A hot summer evening,
turns even better,
when I am around family.
"Random is the essence."-Dani Porter
